SSG for improving defence in 1-3-5-2 formation, in three regular
situations. Area of 1/2 up to 2/3 of the pitch compared to 8 vs 8 (+ 1 goalie),
with 1 normal goalpost and 2 small. Defending team in 1-3-4-1 (of 1-3-5-2
missing 2 strikers) and attacking team 2-3-3
(by 1-4-3-3 missing two Ccentral defenders and the goalkeeper).
Demarcate with
cones the pitch into zones and blocks that will help us in the implementation.
Before beginning, explain to players the session and analyze in the tactic
board the different situations. In the warm-up to a passive form, create the 3
conditions who we want to train.
1st case:
The ball on the left edge of our defense, in attacker # 12 initiated in free space: the left central defender # 5 and our full back # 3 create 2vs1 condition pressing # 12 aimed at recovering the ball. With the return of the opposite full back # 2 in central area we create an 3vs2 overload. Our defensive midfielders # 7 and # 8 are returning for support, close to central defenders, reducing the free spaces.
2nd case:
The ball in the
opposition's striker # 11: the central defender # 4 mark the # 11. The other
two central defenders # 5 and # 6 are
closing and creating triangle coverage, controlling simultaneously the opponents
# 12 and # 10. Our two full backs # 2
and # 3 close to the centre of defence creating an overload 4vs3 (or 5vs3). Our defensive
midfielders # 8 and # 7, returning to check opponents and the nearby passes,
helping in recovery by pressure in the ball.
3rd case:
The ball in an
opponent near the end line that tries to take kick-off: Our full back # 2 has returned and pushing # 17, the central
defender # 6 covers and creating 2vs1. Our full back # 3 comes in penalty area
and along with the other two central defenders # 5 and # 4, as well as our defensive
midfielder # 8, create an overload 4vs3in penalty area. The other defensive
midfielder # 7 also returns by checking the space within the limits of the
area, while our central midfielder # 9 comes to support outside of penalty area.
The above in
accordance with the directions of UEFA Coaching
Schools, train as follows: in the first part of training coaching the attacking
team to create the problems. In the second part, coaching the defending team,
to implement the solutions. It can be 2 x 10 ' (12 '). In the third part, we
have free final game 2 x 8 '. Total session with the warm up is approximately 70 minutes.
Final Game
Final game in 2 halves of 8 mins. Feedback at
half-time 3-4 minutes. In this phase we can use and second normal goalpost with
goalkeeper, instead of the 2 small.
Vasilis Papadakis-UEFA A Coach
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